Tuesday, February 18, 2020

First Day

My spring semester starts on this winter day. Online Political Science requires that I submit a video introduction, which is kind of a bummer given that I was hoping to remain totally anonymous age-wise. Meanwhile, Abnormal Psych starts today, though I have yet to see how that'll go. I am literally three episodes away from finishing Alias, and I am simultaneously thrilled and disappointed about that (the thought that keeps running through my head the last few episodes is What is WRONG with you people?!?). My cousin is one of the few people I can have a normal conversation with about the start of the semester. I'm supposed to get my braces tightened this week (again). My textbooks are extremely thick - not that this scares me all that much, but still. Sadly, my parents think next week might be a little too early to get started watching the first season of Alias again. Oh, well, I guess there's always The West Wing... 

(See? I'm just your friendly neighborhood college kid. I don't bite any more than a common garden slug does. Wait - do slugs bite? I don't think so...)

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